This is the Most Important Nutrient to Add to Your Meals: The Satisfaction Factor

Ok, so this title was meant to be fun and catchy, but I’m pretty serious! Something a lot of us, especially if you’re new to intuitive eating, forget to add to our meals is the satisfaction factor. Let’s talk about what it is, why it’s so important, and how to add it to as many of your meals as possible!

what is the satisfaction factor?

Let’s start with the definition of satisfaction: The fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.

It’s sorta multifaceted, right? There’s the element of fulfilling your wishes, expectations, or needs (ex: eating what you’re craving) and the pleasure derived from doing so (allowing yourself to enjoy it)! Satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of intuitive eating, because it really focuses on the pleasure of eating.

How is it different from fullness? Well, fullness is the physical sensation of satiety. Your stomach will feel full. Satisfaction is the mental sensation of satiety. Your brain signals to your body that you are done eating.

why is it so important?

Considering that fullness and satisfaction are two different things, most of us have been trained to “eat until we are full.” Have you ever experienced eating a bunch of food (especially if it’s high-volume food like lots of veggies) and felt super physically “full,” but simultaneously like you could mentally eat 5 more meals?? That’s because you missed the satisfaction factor. You might even binge later, even if you’re not physically hungry!

The more you try to work around a craving, the less satisfied you'll feel until you finally eat the thing you were craving in the first place. By focusing on satisfaction, fullness will come. There is absolutely no need to overthink or stress about it. Your body will be able to cue into its needs much easier than if you try to fill up on foods that you don't actually like and/or aren't actually craving!

how can i add it in?

Including the satisfaction in your meals is relatively simple: think pleasure first! Nutrients are great, but when constructing a meal, first think about what would taste good. I know this is so opposite of the diet mentality, which is on purpose! Only then can you start to think about what else might "add" nutrients to the meal if that's something you want to do. Not in charge of the meal? Incorporate what might be satisfying before or after your meal! This is why it's perfectly normal to crave something sweet after a savory meal. That sweetness is the satisfaction factor.

Everyday life doesn’t always accommodate the satisfaction factor. Oftentimes you just need to get fuel in if you’re on the go, have low appetite, or don’t have immediate access to your cravings (which is so ok). Let the satisfaction factor be a guiding principle, just like all the other principles of intuitive eating. It’s a guideline and a practice, not a rule that you either “succeed” or “fail” at!


Ditching Diets and Falling Into Something Worse: Orthorexia.


Wellness Culture; Diet Culture in Disguise