How to Reduce Intuitive Eating Overwhelm

step 1: return to the basics

If you’ve been trying to learn as much as possible about intuitive eating, that’s awesome! Maybe you’ve taken a course, or grabbed my free intuitive eating e-book, and you’ve got lots of tools and practices at the ready. It can feel like a lot! Don’t freak out. The first step is to simply return to the very basics. Go back to really focusing on giving yourself unconditional permission to eat all foods. Honor those hunger cues. Going back to the basic behaviors that capture intuitive eating will make sure you’re supporting your body as best as possible! Curious what those basics are? Download my free guide.

step 2: put some stuff down

Give yourself a break. Allow yourself to put down a lot of the macro thinking behind intuitive eating for a moment. Just because you’re returning to the basics doesn’t mean you’ll never pick back up emotion coping tools, healing body image, activism against anti-fatness, etc. It just means you need to re-approach intuitive eating in a more sustainable way for you. Give yourself all the compassion in the world around this. You haven’t failed, in fact, you’re normal! This stuff isn’t linear! It often looks like: “Get all the info and tools and resources, and then figure out how it fits into your life.”

step 3: make it sustainable

When you’re ready to re-integrate more than the very basics, go at a pace that works for you. Re-integrate what you feel you’re ready for, and you might not always get it right! In fact, I encourage you to get it wrong. Intuitive eating, body acceptance, and self-acceptance are all practices.

Eventually, integrating back in emotion coping tools and anti-fatness activism will be so important and integral to your journey. And, you won’t have capacity for those things if your body isn’t fueled. So take care of yourself, fill your cup, so this practice can last a lifetime for you.

If you’re looking for more support, find ways you can work with me here.


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